About Smarterpix

Free photos?
Sure thing!

On smarterpix you will find over 20 million photos & vectors for your private, editorial and commercial projects. Sign up – or not. The free photos are also available without an account – but features like the download of a licence certificate and the release check come with your free registration. Check it out – for your own safety!

Über Smarterpix

We put people at the heart of the picture – see for yourself

Smarterpix is both professional and fair


We pay the photographers

Nobody likes to work for free. We share the success with our photographers. So that you keep getting the best photos.


People & Trends

With more than 20 million assets, we cover everything including current topics. Our specialty: people with model releases!

Mit Profis arbeiten

Operated by pros

Do you need an API, more photos, videos or 360° content? We speak your language and have everything for your project.

Recht am Bild

At smarterpix, the free photos are legally safe to use

The photo license determines the rights to the image. The rights of the location and people within the image are covered by the releases. Smarterpix has both. Also special among the free platforms: you can download a license certificate as proof for every download.

Would you like to become part of the photographer community?

Become part of a large, global community of modern photographers who see the world through different eyes. Once uploaded, your photos will be distributed via other agencies and platforms to make sales worldwide, beside smarterpix. We share our success with you either with free images or with paid downloads on other platforms. Let the photos work for you. All you need is a PantherMedia account.

Established agency – new concept

We are PantherMedia, the first microstock agency in Germany. More than 50,000 photographers have been uploading photos since 2004. There are over 200 million photos at PantherMedia at very reasonable prices with legal security for professional use. Sometimes, you don’t have a budget. For this purpose there is smarterpix: it is not you who pays for the license, but a third party, e.g. the advertising industry.

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